每一家知名的材料制造商都按IPC 4101(刚性及多层印制电路板的基材规范)进行产品分类,以便用此规格确定性能特征并加以分类, 同时详细界定了基材的特征,此外,工厂遵循IPC-4101-xxx分类能做出明智的选择,并确保性能符合预期要求。
如果您需要有关IPC 4101或材料规格方法的更多信息,那么请联络 NCAB集团,我们乐意提供帮助。
- CTE – Z axis(Co-efficient of thermal expansion): This is a measure of how much the base material will expand when heated. Measured as PPM/degree C (both before and after Tg) and also in % over a temperature range.
- Td (Decomposition temperature): This is the temperature at which material weight changes by 5%. This parameter determines the thermal survivability of the material.
- Tg (Glass transition temperature): The temperature at which the material stops acting like a rigid material and begins to behave like a plastic / softer.
- T260 (Time to delamination): This is the time it take for the base material to delaminate when subjected to a temperature of 260 degrees C.
- T288 (Time to delamination): This is the time it take for the base material to delaminate when subjected to a temperature of 288 degrees C.
- Dk (Dielectric constant): The ratio of the capacitance using that material as a dielectric, compared to a similar capacitor which has a vacuum as its dielectric.
- CTI (Comparative tracking Index): A measure of the electrical breakdown properties of an insulating material. It is used for electrical safety assessment of electrical apparatus. Rating can be seen below.
Tracking Index (V) | PLC |
600 and greater | 0 |
400 through 599 | 1 |
250 through 399 | 2 |
175 through 249 | 3 |
100 through 174 | 4 |
< 100 | 5 |
IPC-4101 | 99 | 101 | 121 | 124 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 |
Tg (min) C | 150 | 110 | 110 | 150 | 170 | 110 | 150 | 170 | 170 |
Td (min) C | 325 | 310 | 310 | 325 | 340 | 310 | 325 | 340 | 340 |
CTE Z 50-260 C | 3,5% | 4% | 4% | 3,50% | 3% | 4% | 3,50% | 3,50% | 3% |
T260 (min) minutes | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
T288 (min) minutes | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 15 | 5 | 5 | 15 | 15 |
Fillers > 5% | Yes | Yes | NA | NA | Yes | Yes | Yes | NA | Yes |
Dk/Permittivity (max) | 5,4 | 5,4 | 5,4 | 5,4 | 5,4 | 5,4 | 5,4 | 5,4 | 5,4 |
IMS – 高效散热技术
为满足较大的能量或局部热负载量要求,比如在具有高强度LED的现代建筑中,可以运用IMS技术。IMS是“Insulated Metal Substrate”的缩写。这是一种在金属板(通常是铝板)上应用特殊的预浸材料制成的PCB,其主要特性是散热性能极佳,对高电压具有良好的绝缘特性。NCAB与EBV和数家其他公司一起,参与了示范产品的研制,以便吸引市场关注高强度LED与IMS技术结合所带来的机遇。
IMS PCB的散热优势
一块IMS PCB的热阻可以设计得很低。例如:如果您把一块1.60 mm的FR4 PCB与一块具有0.15 mm热预浸材料的IMS PCB对比,您会发现IMS PCB的热阻是FR4 PCB的100倍以上。在FR4产品中,大量散热会非常困难。
下方为针对不同条件和技术应用的板材推荐,但应当注意,这些都是非常“粗略”的建议。我们建议客户充分评估自身的焊接流程,确定材料必须承受的条件因素,如峰值温度、高于熔融态温度的持续时间,并考虑到Td、T260 和 T288的需求。
材料符合 IPC 4101/121(最低 Tg 130 摄氏度)
Total thickness | ≤ 1.60mm |
Number of layers | 1 to 4 |
Copper | < 70µm |
材料符合 IPC 4101/99 或 /124
Total thickness | ≤ 2.40mm |
Number of layers | 6 to 12 |
Copper | ≤ 70µm |
Blind / Buried vias / µvias |
材料符合IPC 4101/126 或 /129
Total thickness | >2.40mm |
Number of layers | 12+ |
Copper | > 70µm |
Blind / Buried vias / µvias |
NCAB的实践经验显示,在受控的组装 / 焊接环境下及一般的产品应用, 符合 IPC-4101C /21 要求的材料也可(常规工艺)在无铅环境中工作。
原则上,NCAB在每家工厂的物料表中批核的较低等级FR-4 ,其多数参数均满足/121,除了T260 或 T288。如针对这两个参数有要求,可能需要使用更高等级材料。