A brief excerpt of some key findings from our report for Q4 2019 is below. If you would like the full report, please fill out the short form below, and we will be happy to send it to you.

According to Prismark data, the estimate for Global PCB Production has been revised down. Initially the forecast for 2019 was $63.6 billion which equated to a YOY increase of 2.1%. Following a very weak initial six months, the end of year position is now estimated at $61.7 billion – equating to an drop of slightly more than 1% compared to 2018.
Trade and geopolitical conflicts have created a period of economic uncertainty that had a wide reaching impact on not just global trade and a reduction in global GDP (down from 3.6 to 3.0) but has also played a part in slowing the electronics industry as a whole – overall the electronics industry is expected show a decline of 0.1%.
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