
NCAB Group Year-end Report 2024
NCAB Group today published their Year-end Report for 2024.

NCAB Group earns EcoVadis Medal for Sustainability Performance
EcoVadis is an independent sustainability rating service, that assesses a company’s sustainability management through its policies, actions and results.

NCAB Group webinars
NCAB Group offers a variety of webinars in different languages. Here you find a list of the once we run at the moment

L’importanza dell’imballo nel PCB
Scopri come un packaging appropriato permette di preservare l’usabilità e le performance dei PCB nell’attesa dei processi di assemblaggio.

Packaging del PCB – indicazioni per preservare la qualità dei circuiti stampati
Al fine di ottenere i migliori risultati sul prodotto elettronico è necessario preservare la qualità dei circuiti stampati (PCB) in attesa dei processi di assemblaggio. In questo webinar vedremo come un corretto imballo permette di preservare l’usabilità e le performance dei PCB, evitando l’insorgere di specifici difetti. Tratteremo inoltre i vantaggi e gli svantaggi del […]

How a resilient supply chain delivers Reliable PCBs
Reliability begins with a resilient supply chain. A product is only as reliable as the materials, processes, and people behind it.

Interim Report January–September 2024
NCAB Group today released their Interim report for January-September 2024.

NCAB today closes the acquisition of DVS Global in Italy
The acquisition of DVS in Italy was signed and published on July 22. The financial structure has been finalized and NCAB will close the deal as from today, the 10th of October.

PCB Fabrication Drawing
Fabrication notes, Drill Table, Scaled Drawing, Stackup Drawing and Array Drawing are all parts of a PCB fabrication drawing. But – what is a fabrication drawing – and why do you need it?

Chinese New year 2025 - time to prepare
Our Factory Management team will be manned the entire Chinese New year. Still it can be good to plan for the Chinese new year to avoid disruption in your production.
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