

PCB fabrication drawings | NCAB Group

PCB Fabrication Drawing

Fabrication notes, Drill Table, Scaled Drawing, Stackup Drawing and Array Drawing are all parts of a PCB fabrication drawing. But – what is a fabrication drawing – and why do you need it?
Chinese New year 2025 - time to prepare

Chinese New year 2025 - time to prepare

Our Factory Management team will be manned the entire Chinese New year. Still it can be good to plan for the Chinese new year to avoid disruption in your production.
NCAB Interim report, January–June 2024

NCAB Interim report, January–June 2024

The quarter was characterised by a weak economy with restrained demand, with weaker growth in Germany than expected, but more positive in North America and Asia, and to an extent in the Nordic region.

NCAB signs acquisition of DVS Global in Italy

DVS was founded in 2003 and has its headquarter in Bassano del Grappa, Italy, as well as offices in Switzerland, Hong Kong and China. The annual turnover of the PCB division in 2023 amounted to SEK 230 million with 31 employees.

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