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PCB Design tools | Annual & Sustainability Report | Certificates & verification | Code of conduct | Policies | Regulations | Recommendations

PCB Design tools

Nothing affects the PCB’s total cost and reliability as much as the initial design. Use our design tools to get it right from the start and avoid typical design mistakes.

PCB Design guidelines

Design guidelines for Multilayer PCB, HDI PCB, Ultra HDI PCB, Flex / Rigid-Flex PCBs, Semi-Flex PCB, Copper coin and Stackups and Impedances are available for download.

PCB Design tips

In our PCB design tips tool we have identified some common mistakes, the implications these may have on the finished PCB and how to avoid them.

PCB Design checklist

Before you start to produce your PCBs, use our PCB design checklist to make sure the critical areas of the design are covered.

PCB Cost drivers

What drives the cost of a circuit board? And how do those factors in turn impact the sustainability? To avoid large cost drivers we have developed a tool that can support you.

Annual and Sustainability reports

  • Annual and sustainbility report 2023 (In English)
  • Annual and sustainability report 2023 (In Swedish)

Certificates and verification

NCAB Group Code of conduct

NCAB Group Policies

