Reliable PCBs for Fire Safety applications
For desired reliability in PCBs for the fire safety industry, you need robust design, get maximum performance out of factories, and, go beyond IPC Class 2 requirements in your PCB specification.
PCBs for the defense industry
We have talked to some of our NCAB experts regarding what to think about when producing reliable PCBs for the defense industry.
How an advanced product specification leads to reliable PCBs
Our PCB specification includes over a 100 different requirements or criteria, all of which must be met in the manufacture of PCBs for our customers – all to make reliable PCBs.
New energy vehicles vs. traditional – what is the difference in relation to PCBs?
The automotive industry is undergoing a revolutionary change. The electronic part in the new energy vehicle is more involved and advanced, and with this in mind, the demands on the PCBs will increase in various ways.
Soft cost drivers in PCB production
Soft cost drivers – an important factor That reason is whether your role is managerial, commercial or technical there is a good chance that you have an interest in ensuring that the printed circuit boards you are purchasing, designing or assembling are as efficient as they can be in terms of achieving what we […]
PCB standards – why do we need them?
Have you ever designed a board, but got feedback that it couldn’t be manufactured unless changes were made? Or maybe you’ve designed a complex board and sent it to the factory, only to find out that the manufacturer didn’t build the board to your expectations? Printed circuit boards are becoming more complex, the factory options […]
How do we verify conformance?
NCAB Group has implemented what we see as market leading certificate of compliance. Learn more about it here.
Key aspects for a reliable PCB
We know that good reliability is secured by achieving a good balance between verification on a product level and verification of the process. It cannot be achieved by screening or sorting on a product level – you cannot ‘inspect in’ good quality or reliability as the old adage goes. Classifications according IPC Class 1: General […]