Key figures

NCAB Group in figures

Our Key Performance Indicators (KPI) demonstrate how well we succeed. Thanks to our strong financial performance, we are able to work on continuously improving quality and delivery performance across a demanding range of industry & market sectors.

Delivery precision

Graph over quality performance and total PCB shipments 2023 | NCAB Group

This graph shows the number of orders delivered on time to the customer´s site.
Through forecasts and buffer stocks, 100% delivery accuracy is achieved.

Quality performance

Graph of quality performance and amount of PCBs shipped during 2023| NCAB Group

This graph shows complaints relative to the total number of order lines delivered.

Quality performance is measured in two different ways:

1. Complaints relative to the total number of order lines delivered. This means that even if there is only one defect on one PCB in a delivery, that delivery is nevertheless considered to be faulty. Included are all other complaints that may cause disruption to the customer, such as packaging problems, invoicing errors, etc.

2. PPM is the number of faulty parts relative to delivered parts measured in parts per million. Historically a key KPI with in the automotive industry that is now becoming more widely used across all other industries.

Customer satisfaction

Graph over customer satisfaction 2022 | NCAB Group

This graph reflects how our customers view NCAB Group on the basis of a number of quality criteria. The result is used to identify improvement areas to increase customer satisfaction.

Financial development

Financial development | NCAB Group

Stable growth with sustainable profits since the beginning in 1993, through both organic growth as well as acquisitions.

Share per industry NCAB Group

Share per industry

Understanding the expectations of different industry sectors such as ODM, EMS & OEM with their diverse and numerous applications have enabled us to accumulate extensive experience of all PCB types.

Share per technology

The NCAB Group can supply more than 99 % of your PCB needs. We offer the latest technologies, at any volume break, including prototypes.